Fred W. Smith Football Center - University of Arkansas

The Fred W. Smith Center, home for Razorback football, features amenities which cater to their student-athletes’ day-to-day needs. The facility features new locker rooms, a training room complete with hydrotherapy and sports medicine areas, coaching offices, team meeting rooms, and two practice fields with one of the fields elevated over a new parking garage. The Fred W. Smith Center also features a Hall of Fame and recruiting lounge.

Additionally, Henderson Engineers provided a facility assessment specific to the building systems for the athletic facilities throughout the campus. Our study included the 8,500-seat Barnhill Arena, 72,000-seat Razorback Stadium, Broyles Athletic Center, and 19,200-seat Bud Walton Arena. For each building, Henderson reviewed as-built drawings, met with the University of Arkansas facility personnel, and completed a written narrative report. The narrative report consisted of digital images to document our evaluations and recommendations, code analysis as it relates to the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection portion of the facilities, and a benchmark of the current condition of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection equipment using a representative cross section of all equipment. Other features of the report included listing deficiencies, stating the equipment age and life expectancies, recommendations on whether to refurbish or replace equipment, and order of magnitude costs associated with repair or replacement.


Fayetteville, AR

Project Size

Approx. 330,000 SF


Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Telecom


LEED Silver Certified


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