Henderson Reaches Platinum Level Healthy KC Certification | Henderson Engineers Henderson Reaches Platinum Level Healthy KC Certification | Henderson Engineers

Henderson Reaches Platinum Level Healthy KC Certification

Healthy KC – in partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City and the KC Chamber – recently named Henderson Engineers Platinum Level Healthy KC certified. This is the highest certification offered within the program and our firm’s first platinum endorsement. We’ve been recognized at the gold level the last two years.

“Earning the highest level of certification demonstrates Henderson’s commitment to health and wellness,” Refrigeration Engineer/Wellness Coordinator Casandra Peters said. “It shows that promoting health and developing initiatives to encourage employee wellness is embedded in our culture.”

Casandra and Electrical Engineer/Wellness Director Nick Schultz lead our wellness initiative. Along with a few other fitness enthusiasts, they lead three classes daily in ‘The Pit’ in Lenexa, including circuit training, yoga (led by Technology Engineer Rebecca Rothermich), and weight training. They also design engaging, company-wide wellness programs quarterly to give all employees an opportunity to develop healthy habits in a way that works for each individual.

“Opening The Pit in 2013 was definitely the start of the wellness program, and since then we’ve continued to grow,” Casandra explained. “We never want to be stagnant, so we are continually trying to think of ways to reach more employees. We evaluate and change our Wellness Challenges to get more people involved, we seek out ways we can offer healthier food choices, and we look for different aspects of wellness that can be incorporated into our program.

“For example, we’re doing the 4.01k Race for Retirement this year which will tie in physical education and financial wellness. We’ve also kicked off a tour of our offices across the country. We want all employees – regardless of location – to feel like they have the relationships and resources available to help them reach their health and wellness goals.”

Casandra also noted the work and personal life benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle.

“There are a lot of studies out there that show healthy employees make more productive employees, but hearing it from our colleagues speaks louder than the numbers do,” she said. “We hear comments a lot about how participating in the wellness program has given people more energy and confidence, and that positively impacts both their work and home environments. We also occasionally get to see life-changing transformations.

“Moreover, this program builds community. Employees who participates in the program makes friends with people on other teams whom they might not have met otherwise. This helps increase how connected people feel to their coworkers and it adds to that feeling of the Henderson family.”

Casandra passed along her appreciation to our leadership for their ongoing support and to colleagues for strong participation in the program.

“Without the support of Henderson leadership, this program would not be possible,” she said. “By supporting the wellness program and investing in healthy initiatives, leadership demonstrates that they recognize employees are the company’s greatest asset, and they care about the lives of the employees not just on a professional level, but a personal level as well.

“Recognition also goes to everyone who participates in the challenges, comes to circuits, uses The Pit, or encourages their teammates in making healthy choices. Without employees who have the desire to make healthy choices and participate, the program could not be successful. To achieve something like this, you need buy-in from all levels, and Henderson definitely has supportive leadership and employees eager to get involved.”

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